Myths about hiring an Au Pair in Canada

Au Pairs are just glorified babysitters: Au Pairs aren’t fancy babysitters. Theyare more like extended family members who do more than just watch the kids. Theypitch in with childcare, help around the house, and sometimes even assist witheducational activities. Many Au Pairs become part of the family and stay in touchover the years! Au Pairs (more…)

How to be a good Host Family to an Au pair

Whether it’s your first time being a host family or you have been one before, this blog will give you some helpful tips on how to be a good host family. During your interview process on finding the right Au pair, take your time and really to get to know them. Be very clear about (more…)

10 Ways on How to make Friends in a Small Town!

Making friends in a small town can be a rewarding experience, as communities often have a strong sense of community. Here are some tips to help you make friends in a small town: Attend Local Events: Participate in community events, fairs, festivals, or any gatherings that the town organizes. Volunteer: Offer your time to local (more…)

Just arrived in Canada as an Au Pair?

What you should know during your first week in Canada! Traveling to a new country is so exciting! Here are some things you should know when you arrive in Canada. Jet lag When traveling across a number of time zones, the body’s internal clock will be out of synchronization with the destination time. Your body’s (more…)

Hosting an Au Pair in Canada – Your Responsibilities

Your Legal Responsibilities when Hosting an Au Pair It’s been a while since we wrote a blog about the legal responsibilities of hosting an Au Pair.  From time to time we see a wave of host families commenting on social media about the “pocket money” they pay their Au Pair or the Au Pair who (more…)